As from today this NEW blog is OPEN !!!
(and here I kept my trusty layout :)
More then 75 !! previous published collage sheets, postcards, items etc. etc. have been re-uploaded from freubel-art & riandesign.eu
and are now located at ONE central place !!
where you can find a WEEKLY NEW freebie or Collage Sheet !
Because I still believe in sharing ! LOL
Think not only of your own benefit !
On this manner more (digital) artists and crafters can find me
and my FREE stuff too.. And I know there are many !!
And YES....
Launching a new blog, that includes a SUPRISE TOO !!
I thought of something nice that you certainly will love !

Ofcourse you can become a regular follower at Freubels-Freebies
It would make my heart jump,
but I have a friendly and above all a modest proposal !
If you display my freebie button permanent on your blog......
YOU may choose a FREE collage sheet (or postcard) from my shop at riandesign.eu !!!
Well isn't that a small effort for such a fun prize ???
I would gladly SHARE it with YOU so don't be shy and send me a email with your BLOG-URL and your choice okay ?
Be sure that you add my button first before your message me :-)
The only thing you have to do is to copy/past the code in your sidebar. LOL
Let's make each other and our fellow crafters HAPPY with FREE images !!!
I for sure have nothing to lose or earn !
Really I don't !.....
I just want to GIVE and SHARE because I feel so at home in this friendly blogland atmosphere :-)
Hugs and Hearty greetings from me

Ziet er weer helemaal freubel uit...thank god it is klaar!!!
waarom die bedanken , jij hebt het toch gemaakt
BeantwoordenVerwijderenen het ziet er weer mooi uit hoor , hier zi eik nu weer de oude banner maar zojuist de andere en die mag er ook zijn
fijne avond nog en suc6 met je site
I've just added your Freebie Button to the sidebar of my blog and become a follower!!! I love your freebies!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDo you have a followers box I can register thru?? Want to add you to my Google reader!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenD :)
OMG, Rian! What great freebies! Thank you so much! You are really very generous.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBut please look at my sidebar on my blog! Here you will have a place forever!
Biggest hugs and happy creating
Like I stated on Creative Souls, girl you ROCK! From experience, I know how hard it is to create these things (I'm currently trying to make a digital collage right now). To GIVE them away is just too awesome and kind for words.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI did add your button to my blog, http://www.dollsetc.blogspot.com/ . I would have done it freebie offer or no.
Popped by to say Hello!!!! I haven't been here in ages!!! but thanks to Terri!!! I have you back on my radar!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love your work and the tutorials of how you create have been so helpful. I add you button on my side bar at www.carriebrown37.blogspot.com
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you again for a great place to come to.